November’s Black Sheep Of The Month

Good Morning ladies and gents welcome back to another Black Sheep of the Month. As you know, earlier this month, we had the opportunity to celebrate a little known Holiday, Indigenous People’s Day. If you recall, one year ago exactly, we published one of our very first Native Americans’, Joseph Brant, as the Black Sheep of the Month. So, with that celebratory thought in mind. I bring you November’s Black Sheep of the Month, Crazy Horse.

Now, you may not know much about Crazy Horse now, but rest assured, you will know very soon why this Native Warrior, earned his legendary title among his people and November’s Black Sheep Of The Month

November's Black Sheep Of The Month

Let’s begin. Crazy Horse was born on the Republican River around 1845 to the Lakota Tribe.

He was an uncommonly generous man. Many fellow members of his tribe and outsiders would say he was similar in magnitude and magnificence as the Greek Archetype Apollo. Weird that a man be known for his looks then his actions lol but trust me, we’re barely scratching the surface for November’s Black Sheep Of The Month and this is not solely what made him a Black Sheep. No, much like Black Sheep before him, he had many endearing qualities and values that would make both men and women jealous.

Like his ancestors, he was the epitome of refinement and stature, with a big kick of warrior spirit. He was modest and courteous as Chief Joseph; the difference is that he was a born warrior, while Joseph was not. However, he was a gentle warrior, a true brave, who stood for the highest ideal.

At that period of time, the Sioux prided themselves on the training and development of their sons and daughters. Let me tell you, not a step in that development was overlooked or undervalued, no, parents often gave so generously to the needy that they almost impoverished themselves, thus setting an example to the child. 

That’s taking parenting 101 to the next level right?!

No matter the occasion, His first step alone, first game killed, the attainment of manhood, each was the occasion of a feast and dance in his honor, at which the poor always benefited to the full extent of the parents’ ability.

Now, can you see how this culture created warriors of value! They’re whole clan might as well be nominated for these simple traits. Let’s continue…

Much like our Black Sheep predecessors, values were highly recognized assets in the tribe. From honesty to generosity, courage, and selflessness, all the qualifications of a public servant, all tribesmen and women were keen to follow this ideal.

His mother, like other mothers, tender and watchful of her boy, would never once place an obstacle in the way of his father’s severe physical training. They laid the spiritual and patriotic foundations of his education in such a way that he early became conscious of the demands of public service.

November's Black Sheep Of The Month

One of his most notable stories, he was perhaps four or five years old when the clan was snowed in one severe winter. They were very short on food, but his father was a tireless, yet expert hunter. The buffalo, their main dependence, were not to be found, but as luck and perseverance would have it, he was out in the storm every day and finally brought in two antelopes for young C.H. and his mother.

Without hesitation, the boy got on his horse and rode through the camp, telling the old folks to come to his mother’s teepee for meat. It turned out that neither his father nor mother had authorized him to do this. However, before they knew it, all of the elderly were present, ready to receive the meat, in answer to his invitation. As a result, the family was put in dire straits.

On the following day, young C.H unwittingly asked for food. His mother told him that the old folks had taken it all, and added: “Remember, my son, they went home singing praises in your name, not my name or your father’s. You must be brave. You must live up to your reputation.” A hard lesson to learn when hunger is at the forefront of your mind, but much like our last Black Sheep of the Month, circumstances did not extinguish his fire.

Much like his namesake, Crazy Horse was well known for his horses, his love for horses, and his skills on a horse.

As the years went on, He became a fine horseman and accompanied his father on buffalo hunts, holding the pack of horses while the men chased the buffalo and thus gradually learning the art. In those days the Sioux had but few guns, and the hunting was mostly done with bow and arrows.

These were scary and tumultuous times and yet C.H. Lived with a passion for life that most could not mimic.

Much like our fellow Black Sheep, as we mature, there comes a time when when one must face themselves. So he did what many before him practiced, he spent much time in prayer and solitude. He was much sought after by his youthful colleagues, but was noticeably reserved and modest; yet in the moment of danger he at once rose above them all — a natural leader! Crazy Horse was a typical Sioux brave, and from the point of view of our race, an ideal hero.

Unknown to many, his courage and mercy knew no limit!

It was observed of him that when he pursued the enemy into their stronghold, he often refrained from killing when possible, and simply struck them with a switch, showing that he did not fear their weapons nor care to waste his upon them. 

To add to his repertoire of good deeds, at around twenty years of age, there was a great winter buffalo hunt, he single handedly killed ten buffalo cows with his bow and arrows. He then, without a stutter, shared his blessings with the unsuccessful hunters. They were happy by his generosity. When the hunters returned, there came chanting songs of thanks.

He attained even more popularity in the coming wars. He risked his life again and again, and in some instances it was considered almost a miracle that he had saved others as well as himself. Talk about blessed right?!

His success and influence was purely a matter of personality much like his Black Sheep Family. Time and time again he proved that you didn’t require royal blood to be somebody.

Even the most famous Warriors and Chiefs acknowledged him. Sitting Bull looked to him as a principal war leader, and even the Cheyenne chiefs, allies of the Sioux, practically acknowledged his wisdom and leadership.

Like Osceola, he rose suddenly, like Tecumseh he was always impatient for battle; like Pontiac, he fought on while his allies were suing for peace, and like Grant, the silent soldier, he was a man of deeds and not of words. He won from Custer and Fetterman and Crook. He won every battle that he undertook, with the exception of one or two occasions when he was surprised in the midst of his women and children, and even then he managed to extricate himself in safety from a difficult position.

Much like any warrior. C.H. Fought for his people again and again with no malice in his heart, just a calling of protection. He was a defender of everything good in the tribe. A True Hero! Even after he lost comrades, his brother, and his wife got severely ill, he never wavered.

Even up to the point of his final battle, where he was stabbed by a bayonet and dying at thirty, he lived with passion, integrity, courage and love.

Thus died one of the ablest and truest American Indians. His life was ideal; his record clean. He was never involved in any of the numerous massacres on the trail, but was a leader in practically every open fight. Such characters as those of Crazy Horse and Chief Joseph are not easily found among so-called civilized people. The reputation of great men is apt to be shadowed by questionable motives and policies, but here is a pure patriot and Black Sheep, For his full story please visit here.

November's Black Sheep Of The Month

With Thanksgiving around the corner, and many other Holidays, lets remember what C.H taught us about integrity, honor, and purpose. Let us remember to honor ourselves and those who taught us what’s important. Although he passed at a young age, many say that he lived a full life and imparted us with wisdom that most don’t learn until the end. With that, we close this November’s Black Sheep Of The Month and we hope you enjoyed it. “Till next time”-The Black Sheep

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